Sunday, November 18, 2007

Top Five Tips for a Healthy Dog2

By: Craig Elliott
Don't forget to give your dog his needed shots. Dogs, just like cats, other pets, and humans, require certain shots in order to stay healthy and prevent harmful diseases and viruses from entering their systems, affecting their overall health. You'll need your veterinarian to give your dog the necessary shots (it's certainly not something you can attempt yourself, even if you theoretically could get your hands on the right drugs and dosages) at the right times and in the right amounts.

Finally, ensure your dog has regular checkups with his veterinarian. If you don't have a vet for your dog, find a qualified and recommended one, and get your precious pet checked out as soon as possible. In addition to receiving his shots, your dog also requires regular checkups to make sure he is healthy and in good shape. A professional veterinarian will also check the health of your dog's teeth, eyes, coat, and paws, and be able to detect any sicknesses present and give you the correct medication for your dog.

If you love your pet dog, you should be willing to do whatever it takes to ensure his life with you is a long, happy, and healthy one; this involves following these top five tips. There are, of course, other things you can do to improve your dog's health and keep him content, but following this list of essentials is a great start to becoming a great dog owner
Craig Elliott is a writer for VetRx Direct. VetRx Direct is a leading supplier of Pet Medicine

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