By Richard Cussons
Untrained and uncontrolled Labrador Retrievers can cause problems because of their boisterousness and lack of fear. Training is necessary in order for them to learn rules, ensure their safety and to control their behavior. Because of their intelligence, energy and obedience, training Labrador Retrievers is one step easier compared to training other tenacious breeds. But it is still important to consider the would-be handler or trainer of your dog. Success of the training relies partly on their hands so choose a good dog trainer for your Labrador Retrievers.
Dog trainers, whether learned through formal education or experience, will always claim that they are worthy to handle a dog. Don't just believe everything they say. It is wise to have a thorough background check up of that dog trainer. First qualification of a good trainer is an excellent reputation. Ask recommendations from your vet, humane societies, boarding kennel, groomer, other reputable trainers or friends and relatives who have used the service of this person and can testify that he is really good. Include in your inquiries his training background, experience and area of expertise. Do not forget to study his training methodology. A good trainer uses humane way in training a dog. He understands that Labrador Retrievers don't need harsh or abusive handling because of this breed's gentle nature. He also understands that with loving praise and attention, he will be able to communicate and successfully train these dogs. In addition, it helps if he is affiliated with reputable associations, organizations and training clubs. It is not mandatory however.
Observe the equipment he uses. Is he using chokes and prong collars? Observing the equipment he is using will help you identify the method of his training. Using chokes and prong collars may indicate that humane method is not his choice somehow.
Price won't guarantee you of a good trainer, as well as elaborate and impressive advertisements. They can be very deceiving. Don't think that all costly dog trainers are good trainers. Some are just after the profit they will gain from you, not after your dog's welfare. It is always important to investigate, to ask questions.
The bottom line here is that, you just can't trust anybody to handle your dog's training. Fraud or deceitful dog trainer as well as ignorant dog owner will not produce a well-trained dog. Of course you do not want this to happen, don't you?
About the author:
Richard Cussons writes articles about Labrador Retrievers and other dog breeds. Discover tips on training Labradors at
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Friday, March 14, 2008
Good Trainer For Your Labrador Retrievers
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7:01 AM
Labels: dog history, dog tip, Dog Training
Dental Care For Your Labrador Retrievers
By Richard Cussons
It is important for Labrador Retrievers as well as other breeds to have good health. There are many ways on how to maintain their good health in general. Different types of foods claiming that they contain the important nutrients needed by your dog, vaccinations to prevent various and life-threatening diseases and regular exercise to stimulate them physically are some of the measures to maintain your dog's good health. In addition to that, keeping your dog's teeth and gums clean and healthy is also beneficial to his health. More animals are now diagnosed with severe dental problems so it is important that you should ensure good dental care for Labrador Retrievers.
Here are some of the problems that could possibly affect your dog:
Plaque is a collection of food particles and bacteria formed along the gum line. This is normal to dogs especially those above three years of age. However, it should be removed if it is already too thick and is covering the teeth. Plaque causes bad breath, wounds in the gums and loosening of the teeth. Plaque can be removed at home using toothbrush and toothpaste while some vets may use buffalo leather for dogs to chew on. This buffalo leather contains enzymes to prevent accumulation of plaque.
Another why reason why plaque should be removed is that, plaque, if combined with minerals in the saliva form tartar which sticks strongly to the teeth. Aside from causing bad breath, tartar can also irritate gums leading to inflammation called gingivitis. Redness of the gums adjacent to the teeth indicates gingivitis. This usually appears to dogs five years of age.
Periodontal Disease
Periodontal disease is the result when plaque formed into tartar is not removed. Tartar builds up under the gums, separating it from the teeth causing more bacterial growth. Periodontal disease is very painful and can lead to loose teeth, abscesses and bone loss or infection. This usually affects older animals. In addition to bad breath and missing teeth, signs of periodontal disease also include pus around the tooth, gums that bleed easily, loss of appetite, drooling and difficulty chewing.
To avoid the above stated problems, good dental care is a must not just to Labrador Retrievers but to other breed as well. Regular home cleaning is important. Clean your dog's teeth and mouth with cleaning implements specifically designed for dogs. Include oral exam in your regular vet visit and follow veterinary dental advice.
About the author:
Richard Cussons writes information articles on dogs such as Labrador Retrievers. For more Labrador training tips, check out
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7:00 AM
Labels: Dog health, dog history, dog tip, Dog Training
Labrador Training Tips- Should You Punish Your Labrador Retrievers?
By Richard Cussons
Labrador Retrievers are popular dogs, being able to perform roles such as assistance dogs. They would surely enjoy activities to stimulate their minds and body, being intelligent and energetic dogs they are. But despite their large size and exceptional abilities in working and detection, Labrador Retrievers are also ideal and loyal companions.
This breed responds well to praise and positive attention but we cannot deny the fact that they sometimes commit mistakes. However, you should always bear in mind that a dog will never do anything on purpose, and besides he is not even aware whether what he is doing is right or wrong. Additionally, a dog isn't aware of the consequences of his actions. It is for you as dog owner to understand your dog's behavior and how to deal with it.
Mistakes committed should be corrected at once to prevent your pet from doing it again. You should make him understand that what he did is wrong and you are not very happy with what he did. There are many methods to train a dog as well as approaches to correct his mistakes. These vary depending on the owner or trainer, some still believe that training a dog should be done in humane way. But there are some who would rather verbally or physically punish their dogs. Verbal punishment includes shouting or using an angry tone to your dog while kicking, hitting, rubbing his nose in the carpet and other forced actions fall under physical punishment.
If you come home and hit your dog after you found out that he urinated in the living room floor, you will not make him understand why he is being hit. He may not even realize that it is his punishment for doing something unacceptable which took place hours ago. The result of this however is not a well-trained dog but a confused and scared dog. He will associate your return with hitting or yelling and will make him scared of you returning home. Of course you do not want this to happen, don't you?
"How should I correct my dog's behavior if I am not going to punish him for the mistake he committed?" Dog owners would probably ask that question. There are training methods effective in modifying a dog's behavior without inflicting physical pain. Use praise and positive attention to correct Labrador Retrievers. Your gentle words and tone as well as your loving touch will encourage them to behave properly. You can also modify your dog's behavior through perceived punishment. If you caught your dog doing something unacceptable, you may want to create a sudden loud noise to refrain him from doing it. In time, he will realize that the loud noise occurs every time he is not behaving properly. The point here is that, this perceived punishment does not appear to come from you but somewhere. And also, he is not physically or emotionally tortured.
Just treat your dogs right and they will surely reward you with happiness and lifetime friendship.
About the author:
Richard Cussons writes information articles on dogs such as Labrador Retrievers. For more Labrador training tips, check out
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6:58 AM
Labels: Dog health, dog history, dog tip, Dog Training
The Bloody Nose Of Your Labrador Retriever
By Richard Cussons
It is alarming as well as messy in the home when you see blood dripping from the nostrils of your Labrador Retriever. Immediate attention should be given to address this problem but you should identify first the causes. Nose bleeding in Labrador Retriever is caused by various reasons, some are merely caused by your pet's environment such as pollution from smoking, poor air quality or excessive exposure to too much heat. The most common cause is an infection or something is lodged in your dog's nose. However, not all causes are as mild as stated earlier. Many cases of canine nose bleeding are signs of another disorder, most are very serious diseases. Breeds like Labrador Retriever and Basset Hounds are at increased risk of canine nose tumor.
Before you actually see blood dripping from your dog's nostril, there are already signs associated with canine nose bleeding. Your dog will initially sneeze or you will discover discharge from the nose. Sometimes the discharge may contain blood. Your dog may also show difficulty breathing indicating that there is a foreign object lodged in the nasal passage. He will even try to rub his muzzle against a hard surface. If blood is coming from only one nostril or if there is discharge, the presence of diseases such as distemper, bacterial rhinitis, infected sinuses, kennel cough and canine nose tumor exist.
The inside of a dog's nose is sensitive and is easily damaged. If you are sure that there is something lodged in your dog's nostril, you should not try to remove it. The object may be too far back and must be sedated or anesthetized in order to remove it.
Keeping your pet calm as is important to control bleeding. Excitement or nervousness will increase blood pressure and will eventually increase the bleeding. You should keep yourself calm too. Dogs are often affected with their owner's emotions. If you show you are nervous, he will get nervous too. Try to be calm and apply an ice pack into the bridge of your dog's nose. Small blood vessels will constrict to cold thus reduce bleeding.
If the stated tips are ineffective in controlling the bleeding and difficulty breathing is present, visit your vet immediately for specific tests to diagnose the cause of the problem.
A Labrador Retriever is an ideal working dog. Though not scent dogs, they still use their sense of smell to detect drugs, bombs and the likes. They are used by police, rescue teams and other official bodies. This simply means that, every part of a Labrador Retriever is important in performing work expected of him.
About the author:
Richard Cussons writes information articles on different breed of dog such as Labrador Retriever. For more tips on training Labradors, check out
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6:56 AM
Labels: Dog health, dog history, dog sick, dog tip
Dog Toys- Does Your Labrador Retriever Need Them?
By Richard Cussons
Your Labrador Retriever will surely enjoy having various dog toys around. But do not think that toys are just for fun and amusement purposes only. To a dog, there are other important reasons for having toys.
Dog toys are important in the mental and emotional development of your dog. Give your Labrador Retriever problem solving toys or motivational and interactive toys. This type of toys stimulate and keep his mind working. Maybe you want to give him a "find a treat" ball. As the name implies, this ball is filled with treats. But this has to be rolled over correctly in order for the treat to fall out. Dog toys that can be thrown can serve as training tools to stimulate their natural hunting instincts. Train your dog to bring it back when you command him to do so. Simple challenges that will surely keep your dog interested.
Rubber chews and bones are also fun and beneficial to your dog. These toys help your dog improve their dental health. Your dog can chew for hours because these toys are durable, specifically made to withstand the demands of your dog. With rubber chews, there will also be less chewing problems on furniture and household items. There will be less possibility of missing socks and discovering them under the bed, already damaged.
However, you just can't pick any toy found in your local pet store and take it to the counter. There are lots of factors that must be considered before buying. The most important is his safety. It should be non-toxic and durable. Toys that easily torn into pieces may cause trauma to your dog and pose great risk in injuring the gums, getting stuck on his teeth or worst swallowing and choking. Then think about your dog's size. His toys should be appropriate for his size, not too small for him to swallow and choke him and not too large so as to hinder him from taking it from one place to another. Aside from being durable, dog toys should be easy to clean.
There are many dog toys available in various pet supply stores. The web is also offering wide selection of dog toys for you to choose from. All you have to do is key in the keywords, then presto. The long list of various toys is right in front of you. The choice is yours whether you want to go personally and get one from your local pet supply store or have it delivered in your door step. Either way, just always remember to think about your dog before purchasing. Think about the breed, the size and what type of toy your dog finds interesting.
About the author:
Richard Cussons has written articles of various breeds including Labrador Retriever. Discover tips on training Labradors at
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Posted by
6:54 AM
Labels: Dog health, dog history, dog tip, Dog Toy