Saturday, March 8, 2008

How to Establish Your Role As The Pack Leader With Your Dog

by chammer1
If you don't establish yourself as the pack leader, and your dog has the personality of a leader your most likely going to find your self living in a very expensive doghouse under his rules.

Most dogs have what has been termed a team spirit, or "pack" instinct. Dogs live every waking moment of their entire lives by this structure. A dogs mantra is survival, and according to your dog you and your family are all members of his pack. In-order for your dog to feel safe, secure, he need to know who is in charge, and it is your job to teach your dog what you expect of him.

Dog pack are organized in a hierarchy, so you need to teach you for legged friend that you are the one that's in charge. If there is more than one person in your household you will need the cooperation of your family members in-order to accomplish this. if you don't step up and establish the pack hierarchy, your dog will, and if this happens it can be a real nightmare.

Even if your dog is not a natural born leader, if no one steps up to claim the role he will, and your going to find yourself with a huge headache because your dog is going to be very hyper and confused.

In order to organize a hierarchy and teach your dog the rules you will need to understand what motivates your dog behavior, and master his communication skills. This might seem like a lot of work at first, but when you start applying the technique and view the results you are going to see that it is actually quite fascinating. You will find that your dog will respond more willingly if you take the time to understand and learn his language. With a little time, effort, and structure you will earn your dogs, cooperation, trust, and respect. With a little love, patience, and some leadership you will have a loyal dog that will stand by your side for the rest of his life, and you can't beat that!

About The Author:
Do you truly want to have a healthy well trained dog? Be respected by other dog owners, because your dog is well behaved and cared for.

Custom Dog Tags

By Clark Swihart
When people think of dog tags, they usually picture a member of the military and the identification that hangs around their neck. These dog tags hold information about the service person, which branch of the military he or she is in and information that tells others which unit the person belongs to. These personalized Military ID tags are often given by members of the service to their children and loved ones and can often become family heirlooms. Of course, not all dog tags are the personalized military ID tags. Some dog tags are customized dog tags that people have printed up for themselves.

Customized dog tags can make great gifts and souvenirs. They are light weight and don't often cost very much money to have printed. The best thing about customized dog tags is that you can get them printed in any shape or color you want, as well as having anything you want inscribed upon them. Many kids are starting to wear them and trade them. Dog tags are to current teenagers as friendship bracelets were to the teenagers of the eighties and slap bracelets were to teenagers of the nineties.

Personalized Military ID tags date back to the Civil War, when soldiers would fashion "ID" tags out of wood, drill a hole in one end and wear the tags around their necks. The name "dog tags" was coined during World War II, when the Army required its soldiers to wear the oblong aluminum discs on chains around their necks.

Brass, aluminum and stainless steel are the most common materials used in making customized dog tags. The information is often engraved or embossed onto the surface of the tag. It can also be stamped onto the surface but the stamped information is not as durable as information that is embossed or engraved. Obviously, stamping and engraving information into the surface is the best way to make sure that the information on the dog tag does not wear away quickly.

As mentioned earlier, personalized military ID tags have also become very popular among teenagers and there are many places that teenagers can have customized dog tags printed for them. These tags are often exchanged as signs of friendship and a way to declare certain facets of the teenager's personality. Because the tags are so popular among teenagers, selling the tags is a great way to raise money for clubs and church organizations. The tags are relatively inexpensive to print and their popularity guarantees that they will sell well.

Dog tags have come a long way since they were first crudely fashioned during the Civil War. They have metamorphosed from a way to identify casualties of war to being a popular teenage fashion accessory. is a great place to have your personalized military ID tags or customized dog tags printed. These tags are available in different colors, shapes, sizes and materials and your club or organization can have just about anything you like printed on the tags.

Clark Swihart is the Founder & President of CAS Enterprises, LLC. For more information, please visit... Custom Dog Tags Custom Foam Hands Custom Lanyards

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Which Dog is Right For You?

By Rick Davila
When people get dogs they choose a dog breed haphazardly and based off of what they believe are nice looking or sounds fun. It may be ok to do that, depending where the dog will be living. However, some folks live in places where particular dog breeds should not be purchased. Large dogs will require more space in a residence and a bigger backyard than smaller dogs. Some dogs are tremendous watch dogs, but they won't be able to prevent the entry of a burglar or any unwanted guest. Food is something else to consider. Large dog breeds will need substantially more food than smaller dog breeds. Let’s take a look at some popular breeds and what will be required for each.

German Shepherds are a common occurrence in today’s suburbs. These are dogs are quite popular and are adorable puppies. They are instinctively adaptable, naturally protective, task-oriented dogs. These dogs are well suited for living with people. The German Shepherd is in the herding group. This means they were bred to be used in herding livestock. The German Shepherd is best at performing this function. This is where they get the name German "Shepherds." Having a well behaved and obedient German Shepherd is a truthfully a pleasing experience. They will quickly adapt to their owners and living conditions. They do need space though. They are a rather large breed. Also, these dogs are naturally protective of their den. They do a great job in repelling unwanted outsiders, so they will guard your house 24/7. If someone dares to enter your home they will be met by a dog that doesn’t play games with intruders. The intruder will never forget the day they broke into your home for sure. If you are out walking your German Shepherd you need not worry of someone attacking or trying to rob you. These dogs will make them wish they lived in another town. German Shepherds are big dogs. Since they are big they will eat a lot of food. Be prepared to spend a good $50.00 a month on good quality dog food. The German Shepherd is a wonderful dog. I highly recommend this type of dog if your are active, have a good sized home, a backyard that’s pretty big, and want the best alarm system money can buy.

Beagles are small, fun, active breed of dog. They usually have white fur with black, brown spots, or a combination of both scattered throughout their bodies. Beagles are well known to be especially good spirited. These dogs are normally a friendly dog breed. Beagles love treats and will do just about anything for a snack. These dogs are one of the most loving and fun dog breeds. Before you buy one of these dogs be prepared to give it plenty of attention. They will require lots of time outside running around in order to expel the seemingly endless supply of energy they carry. Beagles are known to be stubborn and hard to train. Their owners need to keep an eye on how much they eat. If not closely monitored these dogs will eat too much and make themselves sick. They also do well with children. They will guard your house closely and make you aware if someone is approaching. However, there is usually no bite to their bark. If you are looking for this dog to defend you and your family you will be disappointed. The type of person that relates well to these type of dogs generally enjoys doing things outside such as running, extensive walking, jogging, playing fetch, and just about any physical activity the dog can join them in. They are usually small to medium size. Nevertheless, they do consume a lot of food because they are so active. Be prepared to spend lots of money on food. The beagle is a fun, active, loving animal. You will take great pride and find years of loving companionship from this type of dog.

I have given you two popular breeds that are very common in today’s suburbs. Before selection any dog you must do your homework. Research the type of dog you are interested in. You will be glad you did. Be honest with yourself. Are you active or inactive? How big is your home? Is there enough house and yard space for your new dog to thrive in? How much are you willing to spend on food? These are just a few helpful tips that will help guide you in selecting the right dog. If you are looking for an inactive dog, I suggest English Bulldog Puppies. Visit my blog at if you want to learn more. Happy dog shopping.

I love to write about dogs. Helping people find the right dog is important to me.

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B.A.R.F. Diets: Biologically Appropriate Raw Food For Your Dog

by Rose Smith
I'm sure you've been hearing a lot about BARF diets lately. What exactly is a BARF diet? Well, as the title of this article states, it is Biologically Appropriate Raw Food. Basically, it means feeding your dog raw bones, meat and vegetables.

Many health conscious veterinarians are now beginning to support this type of diet over commercially prepared dog foods. Why? Because most manufactured dog foods contain a tremendous amount of grain products (which dogs have a hard time digesting), are lacking in vitamins and minerals, plus contain added ingredients such as food coloring, cancer-causing preservatives, and artificial flavors, just to name a few unsavory ingredients.

What Are The Benefits Of A BARF Diet?

The truth is there are a lot of healthy advantages to switching your dog over to a raw food diet. Aside from the nasty ingredients listed above, this diet is much easier for your dog to digest and provides a multitude of vitamins and minerals that he/she would not normally get.

Owners of dogs that have switched have found that problems such as skin irritations, food allergies, weight problems and a host of various diseases have been significantly improved through this diet. I can attest to this fact myself. My dog has stopped vomiting her food up after eating, no longer sheds enough to make 10 sweaters in a day, has not had any episodes of stiffness with her arthritis in over 2 years, and her teeth are sparkling clean with...get this... no bad breath! Another benefit is that she no longer has that "doggy smell," even after coming in from the rain.

However, the overall benefit of the BARF diet is the improved health and vitality of your dog. You will also find that your dog will produce fewer stools that are smaller and not as smelly, making clean up easier.

What Are The Disadvantages Of A Raw Food Diet?

Like with everything else, there are good points and there are bad points. The two biggest problems with this diet are:

1) It takes longer to prepare. Obviously, you aren't just scooping out a bunch of kibble and tossing it into a bowl. A BARF diet requires you to measure and weigh the correct amount of meat, bones and vegetables according to your dog's weight. A rule of thumb is to serve your dog 2% to 3% of their body weight. My dog weighs 75 pounds; therefore I give her 1 1/2 to 2 pounds of food per day (divided up with a meal in the morning and one at suppertime). Most owners buy their meat in bulk then repackage it into daily servings and freeze. Vegetables should be chopped up fine. At least 50% of the meal should contain meat and bones.

2) It can be slightly more expensive than commercial dog food (unless you're currently using a premium brand - in which case this raw diet will probably be cheaper). If you keep your eyes open and watch for sales, you can get a good amount of meat on sale for a greatly reduced cost. It pays to invest in a deep freeze for those times when you can buy a large bulk of meat at a great price and stock up the freezer with pre-packaged meals.

What About Parasites and Choking On Bones?

A dog's stomach has a much shorter digestive tract than humans and it is very acidic. Therefore it quickly kills bacteria and most parasites. The only recommendation that I would make is not to feed your dog raw pork. Some raw dog food advocates state that pork is okay for dogs, however pork carries some parasites that will attach themselves to the intestinal walls. Even cooking pork may not eliminate these larvae. I prefer to be safe rather than sorry, so I tend to stick with beef and chicken.

As for bones, on occasion a dog may have a problem with bones. However this rarely occurs. Most problems with bones occur if they are cooked as then they can splinter and the sharp edges will lodge and pierce the esophagus, stomach lining or intestines. I take the time to carefully check over the raw bones my dog gets, such as when I buy those packages of chicken legs and thighs (attached together). I find there is a ribbing of bones along the thigh that I cut off as some of the bones are very sharp. Mainly, just do a quick check and cut off any small, sharp bones that you find. Bones are important because they provide calcium and help to clean your dog's teeth as they crunch them.

Before switching your dog over to a raw food diet, you should take the time to research more about this approach. Talk to your veterinarian, as well as talking to others who already have their dogs on this diet. There are many forums online that you can visit and post questions to. There are also several books regarding this subject that will help you with your decision. Feeding a BARF diet is definitely a way to improve the overall health of your dog, and more importantly, you know exactly what your dog is eating.

About the Author:

(c)2005 - Rose Smith owns Caring For Canines where you can learn more about the benefits of holisitc and natural dog health care. Read articles on dog nutrition, health problems and solutions, dog medications, and much more. Visit today.

How to Find the Right Dog School for your Dog

by dogbreeds
There are many different types of dog schools available. What dog school would be the best for your dog? Things to consider when searching for a dog school include: the age of your dog, the breed, the personality, and what it is that you want your dog to learn.

Has a new puppy recently become a member of your family? Puppies are born with instincts, but not with the knowledge of how to behave. Therefore, it is necessary to teach your new puppy appropriate behaviors and also some fun tricks. You can try to do this yourself or you can enlist the help of a dog school.

There are many different types of dog schools available. What dog school would be the best for your dog? Things to consider when searching for a dog school include: the age of your dog, the breed, the personality, and what it is that you want your dog to learn.

Let’s focus first on what you want your dog to learn. Do wish to have your dog learn basic obedience commands such as “sit” and “stay”? Do you want to learn practice drills you can do with your dog at home such as keeping them from begging for food at the dinner table? Then local dog schools will best meet your needs.

Local dog schools can be found at community colleges, city recreation centers, through pet stores, and even through private dog schools. You can opt to take a group class with up to twenty other dogs. These types of dog schools are often less expensive and meet in a local park. They meet once or twice week for a few weeks. You can have fun teaching your dog new commands as well as let them socialize with fellow dogs.

Local dog schools can offer more advanced dog training classes as well. Perhaps your dog has mastered the basic commands and you want to teach them how to hold a piece of food on their nose for a specified amount of time and then flip it into their mouth. You can find dog schools that have fun, exciting advanced classes where you and your dog can bond.

You may consider having your dog compete in dog shows. Maybe you purchased your dog from an established breeder that has determined your dog has champion DNA in their pedigree. If so then you should look into more in depth dog schools that are focused specifically and dog handling/showing. You can find these through breeders and the American Kennel Club. You can search for dog training materials and resources on the American Kennel Club website at:

On a different note, maybe you want your dog to become a service dog or guide dog for the blind. Dogs that perform these jobs have to go to specific guide dog training schools. These special dog schools are necessary because there are very detailed requirements and commands that a guide dog must learn. These types of dog schools will also provide the support, knowledge, and training necessary to make your dog a successful guide dog.

There are many guide and service dog schools around the world to train your dog. You can find these schools through your breeder, groomer, and veterinarian. You can also find information about these dog schools through the Internet. A comprehensive listing is available by Wolf Packs - List of Service Dog Schools and Information. You can find this on their website at:

Once you have determined what you want your dog to learn then you can narrow down your search of dog schools by taking into account your dog’s age, personality, and breed. Do you have a young puppy that is large like a Great Dane? Or do you have tiny new Bichon Frise that weighs in at only 4 pounds? Find out the type of dogs that are allowed into the dog training class.

Will the dog training class be filled with many large dogs that might scare your little Bichon Frise? Or are there dog classes available that are separated by age and weight? It is a good idea to be aware of this information before you sign your dog up for classes. You want to provide them the best experience possible and not have them cower when it is time to head to dog class each week.

Another consideration when choosing between dog schools is the amount of one-on-one attention. Is your dog very active and can’t sit still during group training sessions? Many dog schools offer private classes. Sometimes the dog trainer will even come to your home to give you and your pooch lessons.

Picking among dog schools is also reliant upon the price and schedule flexibility of the classes. Run a price and schedule comparison on dog schools in your area. This will help you to discover a dog school that fits your schedule, your dog’s personality, and meets your budget.

Choosing between dog schools is an important decision that will set your dog on the path to obedience success. Take your time and choose wisely so that both you and your canine buddy have a memorable, enjoyable dog training experience.

About The Author:

Katie, a lifelong dog lover, owns which is the ultimate dog lover's resource. Research dog breeds & get free tips on dog training, dog supplies, dog health, dog school, and dog care.
