Author: Chris Taylor
We are becoming a fast dog food nation. Most people like to pick up their dog food at the nearest supermarket or local grocer each week because it’s so easy and convenient. Some dog food manufacturers that are carried at the supermarket or grocer feel they can get away with cutting corners on your dog’s good health. Don’t buy into that or you will have a very unhealthy pet.
You need to take care of your dog with proper dog nutrition and feeding. Your dog’s behavior, happiness, health, longevity and overall well-being are inextricably intertwined with what you feed him. When you feed your dog the best you can they are more apt to be healthy and happy. When you feed your dog inferior food he will become sick. He will stop being playful and will become lethargic.
Here’s 4 hard truths you need to know before you buy that next bag of dog food for your buddy:
Dog Food Truth #1: It’s In The Labels
When selecting a dog food reach for a good food that is both nutritious and balanced. You will find out if the food is what you need by reading the label. When reading the label, be sure to do your homework. Keep in mind that most dog foods list their first ingredient as whole meal. Good as this sounds, this tells you that the meat has a high percentage of water and less nutritious.
You will also notice labels that contain chicken and chicken meal. Opt for the chicken meal as this means it has been baked to remove bacteria and toxins. Again, the ingredient chicken is 60% water, which means you are not buying good nutrition here.
Dog Food Truth #2: ‘Bargain’ Dog Food Is Not Worth It
When you spend a little more on your dog food you are getting a superior product and isn’t your dog worth it? Knowing you are buying the best to feed your dog for his best health is its own reward. Your dog will look great and be happy. This is what every dog owner wants.
Dog food ingredients are important to pay attention to. Most important to remember is to check your labels! Look for protein listed first so that you are certain to get the optimal nutrition for your dog. Avoid labels that contain multiple by-products on the list as this is inferior nutrition and not the food you want to be feeding your beloved dog.
Dog Food Tip #3: Chicken Little Or More?
Chicken is a great ingredient to feed your dog but don’t be misled. Commercial manufacturers will list chicken as both chicken and chicken meal. What are the differences of the two? The chicken meal is best because it is baked to remove the bacteria and toxins. The ingredient chicken contains some 60% water so you are not getting your monies worth or a meat that is most nutritious.
Next to continue is moisture level in dog foods. The moist dog foods are best because they contain more protein and less water when converted to dry matter.
Dog Food Truth #4: Premium Dog Food With Taurine
Premium dog or veterinarian recommended foods are the best foods for your dog. They do cost more because they are of high value and so pay off in the end both for your dog and for your pocketbook. Premium dog foods do not contain harmful fillers and inferior ingredients. They are both sound and nutritious. There are no colors or preservatives so your dog will be fed nature’s finest.
Taurine is an excellent ingredient in some dog foods. It is an amino acid and works to benefit the dog’s heart, kidneys and blood. It works to carry essential ingredients to and from cells. You should read labels carefully to see if Taurine is included in your dog’s food. Not all dog foods will. When so many dog food manufacturers are just in business for the buck, keep this in mind when you select your choice of dog food.
Last but not least, choose dog foods according to your dog’s size, daily activity level and health conditions. When you are doing this you are doing the best you can to take proper care of your dog. Avoid the cheaper brand dog foods as these are inferior choices for your dog’s best interest and help. Also, discuss your dog’s diet with your veterinarian and get Fido started on a healthier, nutritionally balanced diet based on your dog’s individual needs.
Your dog is an individual and so his needs won’t be exactly the same as your neighbor’s dog. Take all of these factors into consideration and you will be proud to be a dog owner.
© Chris Taylor, – All Rights Reserved
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Thursday, December 20, 2007
Dog Food Nation – The Hard Truths About Dog Food
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4:06 AM
Labels: dog food, dog history
Is Your Puggle Dog Dehydrated?
Author: Richard Cussons
Summer is the best time not just for you and your family but also to your Puggle dog to enjoy more outdoor activities. But you must remember that along with the fun and excitement these activities bring is the risk for your dog of becoming dehydrated. Dehydration is an excess loss of bodily fluids that usually involves loss of both water and electrolytes.
Yes dogs get dehydrated too! And dehydration in dogs can be a serious matter. There are lots of reasons why dehydration among dogs occur. It could be caused by illness, exposure to extreme heat or lack of fluid intake. Prolonged vomiting and diarrhea can also cause dehydration.
Loss of skin elasticity is one sign of dehydration. To check your dog’s skin elasticity, pinch a little skin between your thumb and forefinger on your dog’s back. It should be back on its place immediately as soon as you release it. However, the skin moves back slowly as the tissues under the skin losses moisture. Other signs of dehydration include lethargy, depression, sunken eyes, dry gums, increased heart rate and delayed capillary time. Capillary refill is the rate at which blood refills empty capillaries. To check for his capillary refill time, simply press a finger at his gums until they appear white. The gums of a normal dog refills quickly but dehydrated dogs could take more than 3 seconds to refill.
Dehydration, though can be a serious matter, is curable and can be prevented. Once you suspect that your Puggle dog is suffering from dehydration, the best thing for you to do is to give him fresh water mixed with electrolyte. But liquid should only be given in small amounts especially to severely dehydrated dogs. Too much water will cause your dog to vomit and loss fluids further. Immediate veterinary care is always recommended for most severe dehydration cases.
As easy as it is acquired, dehydration can easily be prevented also. The best way to prevent dehydration is to always leave a bowl filled with water to make sure he gets enough to drink. But avoid giving him excessive amount of water after a strenuous exercise session. Wait a few minutes after his exercise session and then give frequent and in small amounts every few minutes. To those who live in dry climate areas, keeping your dog indoors as much as possible can be very effective in preventing dehydration.
Though dry foods benefit your dog’s dental health, moist foods also help maintain right levels of bodily fluids in dogs. Both dry and moist foods are important for your dog’s health so giving these two types of dog food is a very good idea.
Always watch put for your dog’s behavior. Because of the absence of sweat glands, dogs pant to regulate their body temperature. Meaning a panting dog is a hot dog. Take good care of their fluid intake before it’s too late.
Richard Cussons is a great lover of dogs. href="">Discover more about Puggle
dogs at Puggle
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4:04 AM
Labels: Dog health, dog history
Dogs in India - What dog is suitable for someone living in India?
Author: David Yrui
Many people dream of having a dog just like one seen on TV, or in a magazine. But if that someone lives in a climate that is very different to that of the dog, this could be very difficult. In recent years, dog breeders in India have successfully tried to breed European and American dogs; this is the reason why, nowadays there are a lot of dogs in India, some of them known worldwide, while others are juts locally known.
The best and ideal breed of dog for the Indian climate is Rajapalayam Combai. This breed is only available in a place called Rajapalayam in Southern India. These dogs were used by the ancient Royal families and were found to be very obedient and intelligent. Even nowadays these are one of the most loved dogs in India. The fact that they are Indian dogs is a big plus, as dog breeders in India say that all other breeds find the intense heat of India bothersome.
Although one must not be alarmed, most dogs seem to be doing great in India. Indeed, the biggest inconvenience is the heat, so dog breeders in India advice anyone to choose any breed with short hair as pet. Labradors seem to suffer heavy shedding during summer, but they are better than most breeds; so are Cocker Spaniels. However, during hot Indian summers it is not uncommon for dogs to sleep with their mouth in the water bowl.
But the proof that most breeds are doing well I India is the dog show – and there are a lot of them in India. These shows led to standards, so of you intend of going to show with your dog, check with the dog breeders in India – they should know all about it. The dog's appearance, size, weight, coat, and details of their physical appearance standards vary depending on the breed you are showing. Dogs in India must be registered to be shown in most rings. The technicalities will probably be different from country to country.
If you do consider your dog for a show, you will want to do some basic leash training for obedience, so your dog will run or walk with you when the judges have you do your rounds, so they can check the dog’s walk and posture. The dogs in India that compete in shows must be of adult age; older dogs don't tend to do as well, as the signs of aging are "undesirable" traits.
As well as that, if you plan on showing your dog, you will need to invest a lot of time researching and grooming. Most people that show their dogs are breeders too, so they can try to breed the "perfect dog". The judges are really tough on every detail. What they are looking for is the dog that most matches the breed's standard in every aspect.
In the past most dogs in India would be of Indian descent. Lately, however, dog breeders in India have successfully introduced dogs from around the world, who have either got used to living in the Indian climate, or have transformed into other breeds, such as the Mahratta Greyhound or the Naga Chow. Both types can compete in dog shows.
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4:03 AM
Labels: dog history
How to Deal With Dog Food Aggression
Author: gpoint
If your dog growls or snarls whenever you or another dog approach him in the presence of food , your dog may be exhibiting signs of dog food aggression.
This is a potentially serious form of dog aggression but is one that can be controlled with proper dog behavior modification techniques. Once accomplished your dog will be happier and safe from the unwanted consequences of aggressive behavior toward humans or other dogs.
If you believe that dog food aggression is evident in your dog’s behavior you should initially take him for a visit to the veterinarian. There are some medical conditions that can provoke this type of behavior in dogs.
Once cleared of any medical predisposition to aggressive behavior in the presence of food, you can move on to identifying the root cause of food aggression in your dog.
Dogs will exhibit food aggression, which is a form of dominant dog behavior, for a variety of reasons.
Here are a few common causes.
• Your dog may be insecure and believe that this bowl of food is the last bowl of food he will see for awhile.
• Your dog may need socializing to learn how to relate to humans and other dogs.
• Your dog may be lacking in exercise which is provoking excitability and a form of nervous dog aggression.
• Your dog may have suffered from abuse. This is a common problem with adopted and rescue dogs.
To determine the exact cause of food aggression in your dog you may want to consult with a qualified dog behavior specialist.
Some dog behavior specialists believe that you can address almost any dog behavior issue including dog food aggression by following a few simple techniques.
Initially, you should give the dog sufficient exercise to relieve pent up energy.
The next step is discipline which involves rewarding positive behavior in your dog, but not by hurting your dog as punishment, in any way .
Dog owners that use physical punishment are not only inhumane but are also promoting and escalating the dog food aggression to an even higher and potentially more serious and dangerous level.
Lastly you would re-establish yourself as the dominant leader of the pack in your household. One way to do this is to have the dog wait for his food until you have completely finished eating.
In summary, dog aggression to food may be caused any medical ot behavioral issues. Once identified, you can work to resolve this type of dog aggression using proper and humane dog training techniques.
If in doubt, consult your veterinarian or a professional dog trainer or dog behavioral specialist. Don’t wait for the condition to escalate . And make sure that you never punish dog aggression by hitting or striking your dog. This will only make the condition worse, more difficult to modify and is unacceptable. Your dog deserves your love, affection and leadership. Take the proper steps today to correct dog aggression and you and your dog will both be happier.
Dog food aggression is only one of many types of dog aggression and dog brehavior issues that can be modified to help you live a happier life with your dog. For more information visit at
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4:02 AM
Labels: dog food, dog history
Spite Isn't A Dog Thing – Separation Anxiety Is
Author: Hope Saidel
Dog owners, when they get together, will tell stories of their amazing, brilliant, astonishing and misbehaving dogs. How many times have you heard about the pet who, displeased by its owners' absence, left a "present" of the most unpleasant kind?
The truth is � he didn't do it out of spite. Dogs aren't people. People are the only animals that have an idea of "spite," "revenge," or "getting even." That's not to say that dogs don't have emotions � any dog owner knows better. But most will agree that dogs aren't planners � they live completely in the moment - a skill humans can only attempt.
The only time to correct a dog for improper behavior is when you catch the dog in the act. Revisiting the scene of the crime doesn't help. The dog doesn't remember committing the crime. Yelling at the dog when you find the mess teaches the dog that finding a mess is bad. Therefore, in dog logic, it will learn to hide the mess, not refrain from creating it.
If you've been tempted to accuse your dog of "spiteful" behavior because it does leave messes when you're gone, it's time to rethink what's going on. Your dog isn't telling you that it's angry you left � it's telling you it's anxious and unsure when you're not there.
It's been said many times that dogs are pack animals. If you are the leader of the pack � as you should be � then your dog is, for its entire life, a juvenile member of the group. Your dog may be a victim of separation anxiety; it doesn't know what to do when its leader isn't there to tell him.
Now that we understand, somewhat, how a dog thinks, we can use that to create the behavior we want. Crate training your dog is a good way to alleviate many sources of anxiety � both yours and your dog's. A crate, or cage, is civilization's answer to a cave or den. Your dog can feel safe and secure in its den. A crate should be big enough to allow the dog to stand up, turn around, and lie down. That's it.
Don't project your claustrophobia onto your dog. It likes feeling safe, secure and enclosed. It likes not being responsible for checking out every noise. It's happy when it has no decisions to make. Never let a dog make a decision � it will choose wrong.
There are people who resist the idea of a crate. They think they are being kind to the dog. And there are some dogs who do not need their crates past puppyhood. But if your dog is prone to separation anxiety, you'll both be better off with a crate. If you've never used a crate, or put it away as your dog matured, introduce it gradually. Leave it out, door open. Feed the dog in the crate. Throw toys into the crate for it to fetch. Never, ever use the crate as punishment, nor as a substitute for a trip outside to eliminate. Dogs shouldn't be left alone more than six to eight hours. If your schedule requires an animal to be left alone 10 or 12 hours a day � get a dogwalker, or settle for a cat.
When you begin crate training, only leave the dog in the crate for a few minutes. Have a special treat or toy that the dog gets only in his crate. Many people use a hollow rubber toy with a bit of peanut butter or soft cheese spread inside. Happily tell your dog it's time to "kennel," (the word you choose doesn't matter, just be consistent) and put the toy in the crate.
If the dog doesn't come � go get it. Never tell your dog to "come" to you for something it doesn't enjoy. Place it in the crate, close the latch and walk away. Just a few minutes the first time. If the dog whines or cries, ignore it. When it's quiet, let the dog out and tell her she's wonderful.
Build up the time your dog is left in the crate gradually. Conventional wisdom says that the first 15 minutes are the best indicator. If the dog settles within that time he'll be fine. And you'll both be happy � Fido has no decisions to make, and you'll have no messes to clean.
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4:00 AM
Labels: dog history