Sunday, November 18, 2007

Dog Training - Dogs on Bonfire Night

By: John Williams
This time of year can be a worrying and confusing one for your dog, occurrences like bonfire night don't happen very often and that's what makes it a lot scarier for your dog or puppy.
Dogs do not like unfamiliarity's and all the flashes and sudden bangs can make your dog extremely scared and afraid of what is happening. Unfortunately there have been many cases of dog deaths on bonfire night over the last ten years so it's a must to keep an eye on your dog at this time of the year and any other similar time such as New Years Eve.
Accidents and injuries happen on bonfire night because of dogs or puppies being loose outside and the unfamiliar sounds and flashes causing them to go into a panic and running away from home, running into roads, or getting stuck in tight spaces trying to hide from the noises.
Fortunately, there are rules and advice that can be followed to prevent times like these and keep your dog in safe hands. To begin you will need to stop your dog being out at night and keep them reassured indoors and away from their outdoor home if they have one. This should be done from one week before the event to one week after the event so no fireworks before or after will scare them into trouble.
Make sure all the doors are locked and shut, if your dog sees an opening they will go for it if they become scared. Try to make a small sheltered area for your dog where they feel protected and in control, and cuddles and calmly playing with your dog may help your dog be less nervous and take their mind off the situation.
If your dog does escape, be calm and positive with them wile trying to get them back inside as quickly as possible, if all these rules are followed then everything should go to plan and you will be able to relax on bonfire night and not have to worry about your pet.

John Williams website owner. For more information on dog behavior training visit the website at this link...Dog Training.

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